Sunday, 14 April 2013

Walk for Autism 2013

On April 6, 2013, the Yayasan Autisma Indonesia (YAI) implement an "Jalan Bersama Autisme" or known as "Walk for Autism Indonesia 2013. This year is the seventh year of the YAI Autism awareness campaign. This year, YAI carried the theme "I Believe ...".

This theme was chosen because YAI believes that the disorder of autism is not the end; believe that autistic individuals endowed talents as well as other individuals; believe that with proper treatment, autistic individuals can develop and independently as well as other individuals; autistic individuals also believe that they will achieve their dreams.
Through the Jalan Bersama Autisme (Walk for Autism), YAI invites the public to participate in this campaign, so that people can see for themselves, have the ability, and believe that autistic individuals are part of us as well, which can be independent, have the ability, and can work together.

Another purpose is holding the road together this suggests that many autistic individuals in our midst, which requires support from both the public and the government, eliminate the negative stigma about autistic individuals, and to encourage people not to use autism as a joke or reproach.
Uyan Damayaniti Laisa,Chairman of Peduli Autisme in 2013, said that the event "Walk for Autism" which was held on 6 April 2013 06:00 to 10:00 pm followed by around 5000 participants by taking the roundabout route Monas-HI-Monas. The opening ceremony was conducted by Ms. Ratna Djoko Suyanti of SIKIB (Solidaritas Istri Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu) and Dr. Melly Budiman, SpKJ as Chairman of Yayasan Autisma Indonesia.
April is known as autism awareness month. This is in line with the UN resolution no. 62/139 which set April 2 as World Autism Day Care.

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